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Spiritual Guidance


My name is Melanie Gilliland and I serve as the Director of Spiritual Life at Liberty Christian Academy. I graduated from Anderson University, Anderson, Indiana, with a degree in Elementary Education and a Master of Religious Education degree from the School of Theology, Anderson University.


Grounded in our Christian faith, we offer spiritual guidance to help students deepen their relationship with God and navigate life’s questions and challenges through a biblical lens. Christian education and developing a biblical worldview in others is my calling which is why I serve the Lord through Christian education ministries.

I am here to provide a listening ear, share wisdom from the Bible, and offer a supportive environment for spiritual exploration. If I can serve your child or your family, please contact me at 740-282-2809 or

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” –Matthew 22:37-40

Student Spiritual Life

Resources: — resources designed to help you stay up to date on the media trends impacting your child’s world, how to address the big topics like mental health, technology use, and more, in order to build stronger communication and connections — multiple resources to assist parents (and grandparents) along the parenting journey — a tool for families to use to understand and navigate the impact of entertainment through analysis and review of movies, tv shows, music, games, books and YouTube channels — video streaming library of Biblical resources for adults, teens, and children. — resource for helping children develop a biblical worldview — practical and spiritual help for parents