LCA Blog
- The Value of Christian Education
- Surviving The Holidays During a Time of Grief
- Make Every Moment Matter
- How to Make The Most of Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Save Time, Stress Less
- Mission Possible
The Value of Christian Education
January 2025
When I think about the value of a Christian education, I reflect on the foundation upon which LCA is built. Our Core Values are rooted in a Biblical worldview. These core values—Biblical integration, Christ-centered activities, partnering with parents, and academic excellence—serve as the guiding principles of our school.
Biblical Integration
LCA is unique in its commitment to choosing curricula that integrate a Biblical worldview whenever possible. We primarily use BJU Press materials, which are as academically rigorous, Biblically integrated, and designed to promote critical thinking skills. We want families to have confidence that the materials presented to our students align with a Biblical worldview, ensuring that Christ can be seen in history, science, English, math, and even electives. Additionally, we encourage students to develop critical thinking skills. We want them to evaluate what they hear and learn to research and seek the truth for themselves. Students are taught to challenge ideas and concepts, applying a biblical lens to all knowledge.
Christ-Centered Activities
While academic excellence is central, extracurricular activities are equally important in a student's growth. Whether in athletics, the arts, or other extracurriculars, LCA approaches all activities with a Christ-centered focus. I am often inspired by stories of coaches and staff members leading students in devotions, praying together, and encouraging one another in their spiritual journeys. Students are taught to exhibit good sportsmanship in athletic events from a God-honoring perspective. Drama students use their God-given talents to glorify the Lord through performances, and music programs allow young students to praise God through song. Whether it’s a game, a play, or a concert, God is at the center of all that we do.
Partnering with Parents
One of the most valuable aspects of a Christian education is the partnership between school, church, and family. I often think of the analogy of a three-legged stool—one leg represents the school, one represents the church, and the third represents the family. All three elements have a role in forming the heart of each student. We must work together to ensure that our students succeed, not only academically but spiritually. At LCA, we strive to partner with families through daily communication, parent-teacher conferences, family events, and providing resources like RightNow Media to enhance spiritual growth at home. We believe that we cannot reach our students in isolation. The collaboration between school, family, and church is essential for our students’ holistic success.
Academic Excellence
When it comes to academics, we consistently evaluate our programs to ensure they meet high standards of quality and excellence. We recognize that students today learn differently than students did forty years ago, when LCA was founded. With information constantly available at their fingertips, students’ learning experiences are changing. As such, we continue to refine our approach, incorporating modern technology and teaching methods that align with today’s learning styles. For example, we have integrated project-based learning and collaborative problem-solving to foster critical thinking, and we provide ongoing professional development for our teachers to ensure they are well-equipped with the latest pedagogical tools. Our goal is to ensure that students not only receive a rigorous education but are also prepared to navigate the complexities of a rapidly changing world.
In conclusion, the value of a Christian education at Liberty Christian Academy goes far beyond academics. It is about shaping students who think critically, live faithfully, and serve others with Christ-centered integrity. As we continue to adapt to a changing world, our commitment to these core values ensures that every student receives an education that equips them for success and purpose—now and in eternity.
Jeremy Blythe, Chief Financial Officer & Chief Operating Officer
Surviving The Holidays During a Time of Grief
December 2024
The holiday season can be a time of heightened emotions. Family dynamics, financial pressures, the list goes on. But grief can feel like an impossible wave when it becomes part of the equation. It's vital to recognize and validate your feelings.
The loss of a loved one is a profound experience. During the holidays, it can resurface, making it challenging to reconcile the season's joy with your grief, whether it's the first holiday or the tenth.
Experts suggest that if you are dealing with the loss of a loved one, you need a plan to minimize your anxiety and yet acknowledge and celebrate not only the holiday but the loved one. In our first year without Conor, we had no plan, only to get through. In hindsight, not the best way to acknowledge or deal with the holiday in our grief. For instance, we could have set up a memorial table with Conor's favorite things or shared stories about him during dinner. These are just a few examples of how we could have acknowledged and celebrated Conor during the holiday season.
Acknowledge that it will be different. Knowing what will help and what will not will be highly beneficial. You may find that you won't know until it becomes an issue or non-issue.
- You may want to examine the traditions your family practices. Will they be hurtful or healing? That first holiday without Conor, we did nothing we traditionally did, and our other children (adults) had to remind us that they still liked to celebrate and that Conor would not want us to be this sad.
- Celebrating in the same familiar place may initially feel overwhelming, so consider the healing power of travel. In our case, stepping out of our usual holiday routine and traveling was a truly transformative experience.
- Decide if you can handle an all-day event. Be gracious with yourself and acknowledge that you may only be able to stay for a short while.
- Understand the holiday itself only lasts 24 hours, and this too shall pass.
- Above all else, be kind to yourself.
Christ said in John 16:22, "So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again, and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy." So, while we mourn the loss of our loved one in this world, you can take comfort that, as believers, we will reunite with them. This verse has been a source of great comfort for us, reminding us that our grief is temporary and that we will be reunited with our loved ones.
Again, in John, chapter 3, verse 16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." This verse reassures us of God's love and the promise of eternal life, providing hope and comfort during our grief.
As the season of joyous celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior commences, my prayers are with all of us who will be missing our loved ones.
Ric Cattell, Elementary Principal
Make Every Moment Matter
November 2024
This year our theme is “Make Every Moment Matter”. The past month we have had many opportunities to “Make Every Moment Matter” by reaching out into our community and the world blessing others from a heart of love. It might be a can of corn, or it might be a shoebox, but God can use it to reap a bountiful harvest for Him. Little is much when God is in it!
Blessing Bags were delivered to The 411 Foundation! During the Middle School Spiritual Emphasis, the students packed about 150 blessing bags to be distributed to those in need in the Columbus area through the great work of the 411 Foundation. Our Eagles love giving and serving others!
3,505! That’s the total number of food items we collected across all our campuses for the Byron Saunders Foundation. THANK YOU for your generosity that will allow families across central Ohio to enjoy a Thanksgiving meal this year! The food drive was sponsored by our National Honor Society students. Great work NHS members! O, come, let us adore Him…by giving a gift that reaches the hearts of children around the world!
All of our campuses are joining together again this year to support the Samaritan’s Purse inititiative, Operation Christmas Child. OCC uses shoeboxes filled with school supplies, toys, etc., to share the love of Christ and the gospel message with children. Each class will fill shoeboxes with fun toys, school supplies, hygiene items and PRAYER. The Samaritan’s Purse staff will add the Gospel message in the language of the country where it is delivered. Your simple gift is instrumental in reaching hearts around the world for Christ.
Our goal this year is 800 boxes! Please join us in blessing children around the globe with a shoebox of gifts and, most importantly, the gospel message!
We are so thankful for you! Psalm 145 is a psalm of how great our God is! In fact, every psalm that follows (Psalm 146 through Psalm 150) begins with “Praise the Lord!” Why do you think it is so important for us to give thanks and praise to God? Is it because God needs it? No, it is because WE need it! When we lift our praises to Him, He can change our hearts and our attitudes. We can never thank Him enough for all He is and all He does! Finish the thought: “I am thankful to God because…”
“For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.” Psalm 100:5
Amanda Cecil, Head of School
How to Make The Most of Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 2024
Parents want the best education for their children. We send them to school, expect them to learn, and pray they are successful. Parent-teacher conferences are a big part of helping parents learn how to help their children be successful. Conferences are a wonderful opportunity to understand what the expectations are for your child and find out how to best meet those expectations.
Here are some tips for making the parent-teacher conference productive for parents:
1. KNOW what your child’s grades are in each class, and if they are low identify why they are low ( homework, quizzes, tests). Bring a sample assignment to ask questions about.
2. PREPARE a list of specific questions to ask the teacher during this time (put the important questions first in case there is a time constraint)Ex: What do you see as my child’s strengths? Weaknesses?
3. TALK with your child before conferences and find out how they view school, their teachers, friends, and activities. Offer their perspective of school with the teacher.
4. LISTEN to what the teacher says about your child. Teachers often see and know things about your child that give them a different perspective than what you may see in the home environment
5. PLAN/WORK with the teacher on how your child can best reach expectations for success. Write the plan down and follow-up after a few weeks to see if the plan is working.
Conferences are a wonderful way to get informed about your child’s progress, but also a great way to get to know teachers and to learn the best way to aid your child in their success!
LCA conferences are scheduled for October 28th and 30th.
Ellen Edwards, Middle School Principal
Save Time, Stress Less
September 2024
We are all very busy with work, family and activities and then at the end of the day,the last thing we want to do is think about the daunting task of cooking dinner. When times are busy, it can be challenging to organize dinner ideas and plans for the whole family. However, with some careful planning and preparation, it is possible to ensure that everyone is well-fed and satisfied. One approach is to create a weekly meal schedule, taking into account everyone’s preferences and dietary restrictions. This can help streamline the shopping process and save time during the week. By planning out meals in advance, parents can save time and reduce stress during the week.
Another idea is to involve the whole family in meal preparation, assigning tasks to different members to make the process more efficient. Involving children in meal planning and preparation can be a fun way to teach them about healthy eating and responsibility.
Additionally, consider batch cooking on weekends to have ready-made meals for busy weeknights. Using meal planning apps or websites can make the process even easier by providing recipe ideas and shopping lists. By implementing these strategies, you can successfully navigate busy times and still enjoy delicious meals as a family.
Here are some quick and easy dinner ideas for those with busy lives:
- Sheet Pan Meals: Prepare all your ingredients, place them on a sheet pan, and let the oven do the work for you. This is a simple and efficient way to make a nutritious meal without much effort.
- Stir-Fry: Stir-frying is a fast and delicious way to cook up a variety of ingredients. Simply toss your favorite veggies, protein, and sauce in a hot pan for a flavorful meal in no time.
- Instant Pot Recipes: The Instant Pot is a lifesaver for busy individuals. You can quickly whip up soups, stews, and even pasta dishes in a fraction of the time it would take on the stove.
- Meal Prep: Spend some time on the weekend prepping ingredients for the week ahead. This way, you can quickly assemble meals during the week without much fuss.
- Salad Bar: Create a salad bar at home with a variety of toppings like grilled chicken, nuts, seeds, and dressings. This way, everyone can customize their own salad according to their preferences.
These dinner ideas are perfect for those with hectic schedules who still want to enjoy a delicious and nutritious meal.
Quick and Easy Recipes
Easy Family Recipes
Cookies and Cups
Sports Season Meals
Melisha Stiffler, Director of Human Resources
Mission Possible
August 2024
In the TV series, “Mission Impossible” (1966-1973) – a team of secret government agents each week would listen to a tape recording containing their next assignment. As believers, our mission is clearly defined. It is based on the mission Christ gave in all four Gospels.
Matthew 28:19-20 – “Go therefore and make disciples….teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you.”
Mark 16:15 – “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”
Luke 24:47 – “and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached…”
John 20:21 – “…As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.”
“Making disciples” does not mean bringing others to a one-time “moment of decision and repentance.” It involves continued learning together about what God has done in sending Jesus to die for our sins and calling us to live for HIM. The message translation references training and instruction…”Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life…Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19 (The Message) Our task as believers is to walk alongside others teaching them about the gospel and demonstrating what it means to serve HIM.
As a Christian school, we have a unique opportunity to make disciples by teaching and training our students to live for Christ as we go along in our day-to-day role at LCA. Parents, you have an amazing opportunity with your children to walk alongside them each day discipling them and training them in the Christian life.
LCA Mission and Vision
What are we trying to achieve here at LCA? Amazing facilities, excellent athletic programs, excellent fine arts programs, excellent academics? Yes, all of those things are great, but those are just tools to help us accomplish our vision and mission. We use those tools as we are training and discipling our students.
Our mission as a school is following the same mission that Christ gave to His disciples in an educational setting.
The mission of Liberty Christian Academy is:
- to provide a quality Christian education – We choose to use textbooks written from a biblical worldview. We are not just sprinkling in Bible verses to make what we teach Christian. We approach everything through the lens of scripture.
- in a Christ-centered environment: We will not compromise our mission, vision, or beliefs to hire faculty and staff who do not align with what we believe as a school. Hiring staff who are aligned with our statement of faith is the most important deciding factor in our hiring decisions.
- in order to reach students for Christ…We want to see our students come to know Christ as a personal Savior by repenting of their sins and trusting Christ for salvation.
Our vision is:
- to equip students to serve God and impact the world through biblical thought and action. Our mission is to reach our students for Christ and see them come to a point of repentance and salvation, but it doesn’t stop there. We want to disciple them to become more like Christ. Through that discipleship, we want to equip them to go out into the world and make more disciples by serving God using the gifts and talents that He has given them.
Our Mission as Believers
On the TV show, Mission Impossible, the agents functioned as a team, but each member had their own specific role (individual missions) to fulfill which determined the success or failure of the larger mission. After the description of the problem to be solved, the agent on the tape would say, “Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to….” Our mission as believers is not “should you decide to accept it”. As believers, as disciples, we must accept His mission to spread His Word.
Our mission has similar components to the TV show. We have a mission. We each have a personal mission to contribute to the success of that mission. But our mission is not impossible. It is very possible! Because with God all things are possible!
Amanda Cecil, Head of School