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Extended Care Program

Ages: LCA students enrolled in 1st grade through 5th grade will be eligible for Extended Care at the Refugee Road campus. In the event that a 6th-12th grade student is placed in Extended Care a fee of $30 will be charged to their family account.   All Early Education Center students are eligible for Extended Care at their EEC campus location.

Drop off/Pick up: Parents dropping off students in the morning and/or picking up students in the afternoon must remain at the front office to sign students in or to sign them out. The students will be brought to meet the parent from the Extended Care location. 

Fees: Fees are $10.00 per session (morning session/afternoon session) per day. For families with more than one student, an $8.00 per student charge will be added per session for each additional child. A late pick-up fee of $30.00 for each half hour (beginning after 6:00 PM) will be charged to your account. The Extended Care billing month is from the first of the month to the end of the month. The final Extended Care billing of the school year will be billed by June 10th. 

1st – 5th Grade Hours: The morning session is 6:00-8:05 AM and the afternoon session is 3:45-6:00 PM.
Early Education Center Hours: The morning session is 7:00-8:00 AM and the afternoon session is 4:00-6:00 PM.

Personal Belongings: Each student will keep their belongings with them in their assigned seating area.

Registration: Students using Extended Care must Pre-register for specific days and whether students will be attending the morning and/or afternoon sessions. No “drop-ins” will be allowed. Please note that registration will be limited. 

Snacks: Students will have a snack time at the beginning of the afternoon Extended Care session. Students must bring their own snacks from home and there is no sharing of snacks. We recommend healthy pre-packaged snacks. Students will need to provide their own labeled water bottle that can be refilled at the refillable water station. 

Visitors: Visitors will not be permitted into the Extended Care area. 

Discipline: Discipline procedures in our Extended Care Program will follow the same standards stated in the handbook. It is the intent of Liberty Christian Academy to make Extended Care an enjoyable experience for your student. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to a great year!