LCA Blog
Save Time, Stress Less
September 2024
We are all very busy with work, family and activities and then at the end of the day,the last thing we want to do is think about the daunting task of cooking dinner. When times are busy, it can be challenging to organize dinner ideas and plans for the whole family. However, with some careful planning and preparation, it is possible to ensure that everyone is well-fed and satisfied. One approach is to create a weekly meal schedule, taking into account everyone’s preferences and dietary restrictions. This can help streamline the shopping process and save time during the week. By planning out meals in advance, parents can save time and reduce stress during the week.
Another idea is to involve the whole family in meal preparation, assigning tasks to different members to make the process more efficient. Involving children in meal planning and preparation can be a fun way to teach them about healthy eating and responsibility.
Additionally, consider batch cooking on weekends to have ready-made meals for busy weeknights. Using meal planning apps or websites can make the process even easier by providing recipe ideas and shopping lists. By implementing these strategies, you can successfully navigate busy times and still enjoy delicious meals as a family.
Here are some quick and easy dinner ideas for those with busy lives:
- Sheet Pan Meals: Prepare all your ingredients, place them on a sheet pan, and let the oven do the work for you. This is a simple and efficient way to make a nutritious meal without much effort.
- Stir-Fry: Stir-frying is a fast and delicious way to cook up a variety of ingredients. Simply toss your favorite veggies, protein, and sauce in a hot pan for a flavorful meal in no time.
- Instant Pot Recipes: The Instant Pot is a lifesaver for busy individuals. You can quickly whip up soups, stews, and even pasta dishes in a fraction of the time it would take on the stove.
- Meal Prep: Spend some time on the weekend prepping ingredients for the week ahead. This way, you can quickly assemble meals during the week without much fuss.
- Salad Bar: Create a salad bar at home with a variety of toppings like grilled chicken, nuts, seeds, and dressings. This way, everyone can customize their own salad according to their preferences.
These dinner ideas are perfect for those with hectic schedules who still want to enjoy a delicious and nutritious meal.
Quick and Easy Recipes
Easy Family Recipes
Cookies and Cups
Sports Season Meals
Melisha Stiffler, Director of Human Resources
Mission Possible
August 2024
In the TV series, “Mission Impossible” (1966-1973) – a team of secret government agents each week would listen to a tape recording containing their next assignment. As believers, our mission is clearly defined. It is based on the mission Christ gave in all four Gospels.
Matthew 28:19-20 – “Go therefore and make disciples….teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you.”
Mark 16:15 – “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”
Luke 24:47 – “and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached…”
John 20:21 – “…As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.”
“Making disciples” does not mean bringing others to a one-time “moment of decision and repentance.” It involves continued learning together about what God has done in sending Jesus to die for our sins and calling us to live for HIM. The message translation references training and instruction…”Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life…Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19 (The Message) Our task as believers is to walk alongside others teaching them about the gospel and demonstrating what it means to serve HIM.
As a Christian school, we have a unique opportunity to make disciples by teaching and training our students to live for Christ as we go along in our day-to-day role at LCA. Parents, you have an amazing opportunity with your children to walk alongside them each day discipling them and training them in the Christian life.
LCA Mission and Vision
What are we trying to achieve here at LCA? Amazing facilities, excellent athletic programs, excellent fine arts programs, excellent academics? Yes, all of those things are great, but those are just tools to help us accomplish our vision and mission. We use those tools as we are training and discipling our students.
Our mission as a school is following the same mission that Christ gave to His disciples in an educational setting.
The mission of Liberty Christian Academy is:
- to provide a quality Christian education – We choose to use textbooks written from a biblical worldview. We are not just sprinkling in Bible verses to make what we teach Christian. We approach everything through the lens of scripture.
- in a Christ-centered environment: We will not compromise our mission, vision, or beliefs to hire faculty and staff who do not align with what we believe as a school. Hiring staff who are aligned with our statement of faith is the most important deciding factor in our hiring decisions.
- in order to reach students for Christ…We want to see our students come to know Christ as a personal Savior by repenting of their sins and trusting Christ for salvation.
Our vision is:
- to equip students to serve God and impact the world through biblical thought and action. Our mission is to reach our students for Christ and see them come to a point of repentance and salvation, but it doesn’t stop there. We want to disciple them to become more like Christ. Through that discipleship, we want to equip them to go out into the world and make more disciples by serving God using the gifts and talents that He has given them.
Our Mission as Believers
On the TV show, Mission Impossible, the agents functioned as a team, but each member had their own specific role (individual missions) to fulfill which determined the success or failure of the larger mission. After the description of the problem to be solved, the agent on the tape would say, “Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to….” Our mission as believers is not “should you decide to accept it”. As believers, as disciples, we must accept His mission to spread His Word.
Our mission has similar components to the TV show. We have a mission. We each have a personal mission to contribute to the success of that mission. But our mission is not impossible. It is very possible! Because with God all things are possible!
Amanda Cecil
Head of School
Tell the Greatest Story Ever Told
July 2024
This summer, my church is diving into the parables of Jesus as our summer sermon series and all-church devotionals. It has been refreshing to dive into the familiar stories Jesus told while here on earth and explore again Jesus’ teachings about Kingdom living. Jesus used these stories to draw the listener into understanding the truths of His kingdom and how to live as a faithful son or daughter of the King. Early on in the series, I was reminded of how important it is for us to be diligent in telling God’s story to our children. As parents, grandparents, teachers, coaches, and other Christian role models and mentors, we must not neglect sharing God’s truths as revealed, not only the parables, but ALL of the Bible.
Our wise and wonderful God created humankind to foster connection and understanding through storytelling and it became the method of communicating His story throughout the generations. In Deuteronomy 11:18-19 He instructs His people, “Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up” (NIV). He set forth the expectation that His people were to teach the next generation the story of God and His people, basically ALL the time, using every opportunity.
The eternal truths revealed in the stories of the Bible will nurture faith in you and the children within your circle of influence. It will also encourage your faith as you interact with God’s Word alongside the curious mind of the young. As we think about reading the Bible with children, little and big, here are some thoughts to consider to make it a meaningful, faith-building experience:
Just Do It. Make time to read the Bible with your children. Do whatever it takes to keep that commitment and make it a non-negotiable in your life. Put it on the family calendar,
set a reminder on your digital calendar, or set your Apple watch timer. Whatever it takes. Simply honor God’s command to share the story of God and His people with the children you have been given influence over.
Take into account your child’s age and interests. Younger children will enjoy stories like those about Noah’s Ark or David and Goliath, while older children can begin to explore biblical characters like Job and other more complex narratives. You might choose to read from a children’s Bible when reading to younger children. There are many to choose from, but here are a few to consider:
The Big Picture Story Bible
The Jesus Storybook Bible
The Biggest Bible Story Bible Storybook
The Adventure Bible
Create an engaging experience. Use different voices for characters, act out scenes, and use other methods to engage active listening. Pause at pivotal points to discuss the message or relate it to your child’s experiences to help your child connect to God’s Word. Their questions can lead to profound discussions about faith, forgiveness, and God’s love.
Connect the stories to everyday life. Help your child see how Bible stories apply to their own lives. Talk about how they can be kind, forgiving, and helpful, just like the characters they read about. Connect your own life experiences to the Bible story and share with them how your faith has grown by applying Biblical truth during the challenging moments of life. Encourage them with the promises from God’s Word to celebrate how He is at work or will work in their circumstances. This will help them understand God is still at work in the lives of His people today. God’s redemptive story lives on in you and in them.
With a bit of creativity, enthusiasm and commitment, you can turn Bible story time into a cherished tradition that strengthens relationship bonds and lays a foundation of faith that will remain for years to come. From 2 Timothy 3:16-17, we believe that “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (NIV) Therefore, we must teach our children from the Scriptures in order to shape them for Kingdom work.
If you don’t already read the Bible with your children, begin today. If you do already read the Bible with your children–GREAT! Stay faithful and continue to nurture the faith of the next generation!
Melanie Gilliland, Director of Spiritual Life
Rest and Restore
June 2024
Matthew 11: 28-30 tells us “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
As a mother of two young children, I find it almost impossible to rest even though I understand the importance and benefit of kicking back and putting my feet up. Contrary to popular belief, rest does not always mean a strict 8-9 hours of sleep a night. Rest can come in different forms, for instance we need to not only rest our bodies nightly, but we need to rest our minds and this can be done in various ways. When we rest, we recharge and rejuvenate our minds and bodies. As we dive into this season, let’s explore how to make the most of our summer break, not just as a time for leisure, but as an opportunity for deeper rest and revitalization.
Pause and pray: Start each day with prayer. Dedicate a quiet moment in the morning to connect with God, seeking His guidance and blessings for the day ahead. Encourage your children to join in this practice, fostering a sense of spiritual centeredness from the beginning of the day.
Limit screen time: While there are many benefits and conveniences of cell phones and tablets when it comes to rest and recharge these devices tend to interfere with our ability to relax. Give yourself permission to unplug and disconnect from your devices. Setting boundaries for screen time and digital distractions could allow yourself more time with loved ones and reconnecting and being present in the moment.
Reconnect with nature: Plan family outings to parks, beaches or nature reserves to fully immerse yourself in God’s creation. Connecting with nature doesn’t have to be an expensive family vacation to the Caribbean; it could be taking a walk with your family in your neighborhood or hiking on a trail at your local park. God shows us his creation every day and reconnecting with these gifts as a family is an excellent way to rest and recharge.
Nurture relationships: During the school year we are unable to fully engage with those whom we are close to as we are busy with work, homework, sports, recitals, etc. This Summer consider scheduling gatherings, picnics, and outings that allow you to spend quality time with loved ones. Strengthen your relationships by engaging in meaningful conversations, creating lasting memories, and simply enjoying each other’s company.
Take time to slow down: During the summer months focus on savoring simple pleasures such as a leisurely stroll down the block or a quiet afternoon nap. Engaging in mindfulness activities can be beneficial for rest and relaxation such as paying attention to sights, sounds and sensations of Summer. Allow yourself to truly immerse in the beauty of the season.
Serving others: Volunteer together as a family at a local shelter, participate in a community clean-up project, or simply reach out to neighbors in need. By extending Christ’s love to others, you not only make a positive impact on those around you but also experience the joy of selfless service.
I hope and pray that this summer you will find comfort in God, joy within your family and rest within yourself.
Erica Bush, School Counselor
2023/24 Year End Reflections
May 2024
Over this past year we have been reflecting back on our 40 year history of providing quality Christian education and recognizing God’s hand through it all and am continually reminded of God’s goodness and provision! These are exciting times for Christian education in Ohio. The expansion of universal school choice program in Ohio has provided the opportunity to minister to families who previously couldn’t attend Christian school.
As I think about the culture in our country today, I am reminded of the importance of the ministry we are doing in preparing the next generation of Christian leaders. This year’s graduating class has been such a blessing to see serving God and preparing for their next steps. I have had the privilege of watching many of these students grow and mature from the time they began as preschoolers at LCA. It has been exciting to see their spiritual growth and maturity over the years. I can’t wait to see how God continues to use them to impact our community and country for Christ.
Graduating with Greatness
Our 2024 graduating class consisted of twenty seven seniors; nine of whom have attended LCA since preschool or kindergarten: Shelby Carr, Ethan Gohn, Aurora Haybin, Gabriella Hooper, Makayla Orr, James Rainier, Daniel Raynes, Aaron Schinder, and Kendall Smith. Three of our graduating seniors this year were graduates of LCA alumni: Madelyn Cox (Heather Ulry class of 2000), Aurora Haybin (Obadiah Haybin class of 1996), and Kendall Smith (Sean Smith class of 1993 and Michelle Smith class of 1995).
These twenty seven seniors earned over $1,964,097 in college scholarships over the next four years. The colleges they will be attending in the fall include: Grand Canyon University, Mount Vernon Nazarene University, Kentucky Christian University, Cedarville University, Wright State University, Grace College, Marietta College, The Ohio State University, Ohio University, Indiana Wesleyan University, Anderson University, and Mount Carmel College of Nursing. Their future plans include the following: education, ministry, astrophysics, nursing, physical therapy, paramedic, fire service, finance, arts, homeland security, aviation, radiology, computer science, sonography, graphic design, engineering, and various trades.
The class verse selected by the class of 2024 is “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.”” Acts 20:24.
“Send Me” was selected to be sung during their graduation ceremony.
I can hear my Savior calling
Take up Your cross and follow Me
Let my heart move in sweet surrender
Lord it’s my joy to say yes to You
Send me send me
I’ll go anywhere I’ll go anywhere
This is my prayer for every nation
To hear Your name be lifted high
Lord as Your Church and as Your children
Oh it’s our joy to say yes to You
Send me send me
I’ll go anywhere I’ll go anywhere
May this be the desire of their hearts as they move into the next phase of life. We trust that they are leaving our doors having heard the truth and are equipped with the tools to make godly decisions.
Looking Ahead with Hope
While looking back is important, God’s Word encourages us to look forward with hope. Jeremiah 29:11 reassures us, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” As we look forward, our mission stands the test of time – to reach students for Christ and equip them to serve God and impact the world through biblical thought and action.
As our students advance to the next grade, graduate, or move on to new endeavors, they can do so with confidence that God has good plans for their future. This hope is not a vague wish but a confident expectation based on God’s faithful character. As we close out another memorable year, we look forward to the upcoming year. We are preparing the next generation of leaders. How will God use them to influence our community and country?
Amanda Cecil, Head of School
The Summer Challenge: Why Keeping Up with Academic Learning Matters
May 2024
It may sound ironic, but the summer months are some of the most important in the school year. When the final bell rings and school doors close for the summer, it’s tempting to set aside textbooks and worksheets in favor of beach towels and video games. However, amidst the allure of carefree summer days, it’s important to remember that continued academic engagement is key to preventing the dreaded “summer slide” – the phenomenon where students lose academic skills and knowledge over the break.
While there’s not a magic formula for having the “right” amount of reading and math practice at home during the summer, the best way for young students to maintain academic momentum is to “stay in it.” For younger students, this could be as simple as reading books and having conversations about what they’ve read, or engaging in games involving numbers or counting. For older students, encouraging independent reading can help keep their minds sharp and engaged.
Summer reading of any kind is helpful for students. Whether it’s diving into a classic novel, exploring a non-fiction book on a topic of interest, or even enjoying comic books and graphic novels, the key is to keep those pages turning.
Preparing for Future Challenges
Summer learning isn’t just about maintaining current skills—it’s also about preparing for what lies ahead. Whether it’s gearing up for more advanced classes in the fall or exploring new subjects and interests, summer learning can give students a head start and boost their confidence as they tackle upcoming academic challenges. Students can approach the new school year with enthusiasm and readiness by engaging in activities that stimulate their minds and foster curiosity.
Fostering Engagement and Curiosity
Learning shouldn’t be confined to the classroom, and summer provides the perfect opportunity for students to explore topics that pique their interest outside of the traditional academic setting. Whether it’s delving into a favorite book, conducting science experiments at home, or attending enrichment programs and camps, summer learning offers a chance for students to stay engaged, curious, and excited about learning.
Practical Tips for Summer Learning
How can students and parents incorporate summer learning into their summer routines? Here are a few practical tips:
- Enroll in Summer Programs: Look for local summer programs, camps, or workshops that cater to students’ interests and academic needs.
- Utilize Online Resources: Take advantage of online learning platforms, educational websites, and digital resources to supplement learning at home.
- Read, Read, Read: Encourage daily reading habits by providing access to a variety of books, magazines, and articles that capture students’ interests.
- Stay Curious: Encourage exploration and hands-on learning experiences, whether it’s through science experiments, art projects, or visits to museums and cultural sites.
While summer break is undoubtedly a time for relaxation and fun, it’s essential to recognize the value of keeping up with academic learning during this period. By preventing the summer slide, retaining information, preparing for future challenges, and fostering engagement and curiosity, summer learning sets students up for success in the classroom and life. So let’s embrace the summer challenge and make the most of this time to continue our educational journey!
Melisha Stiffler, Elementary Principal